Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama's Pied Piper Rush to Rationed Health Care

Obama wants new health care laws voted by October. Two declared objectives: cutting health costs and “taking care of the uninsured”. The true name of the game is to increase the power of insurers at the expense of patients, doctors and health industries. A classic recipe for rationed care. Costs will indeed be cut. So will access to diagnosis, treatment and care. The same cannot be said of non productive expenses (paperwork, control, lobbying): they will go uphill, but… husssh, bureaucrats are good at spin, nobody will notice !

The current share of GDP that Americans invest in their health care results in great part from the sum of innumerable individual choices. Other countries face overt or occult rationing of medical services: they spend less of their GDP on health because administrative third parties (and not those in need of care) choose how much is to be spent on patients and who is allowed to get the care. That's where American "health care overhaul" pied pipers want Congress to go. All the rest is wind.

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